Manager History
Prior to founding Oelschlager Investments, Mark Oelschlager served as the sole portfolio manager for over 12 years for two mutual funds (the “Prior Funds”)* which had substantially similar objectives and strategies as currently used to manage Towpath Focus Fund and Towpath Technology Fund, respectively.
Market Experience
Portfolio manager is battle-tested. Thirty years of investment experience means having managed money through all different types of markets and economic cycles. This has been invaluable in helping us understand when to be opportunistic and when to be conservative, what to look for in a company, and which metrics to emphasize based on how the market is behaving and where we are in the economic cycle. We have made our share of investing mistakes over the years. Understanding what is important and what isn’t is critical in this profession, and it often takes years to “unlearn” various practices that are counterproductive to maximizing long-term returns.
Authentic and Honest
We will always give it to you straight, whether it benefits us or not. And you will always know who is managing your money, and who is responsible for past results.
*Prior Funds do not represent the performance of Towpath Focus Fund or Towpath Technology Fund. There can be no guarantee that any strategy (risk management or otherwise) will be successful. All investing involves risk, including potential loss of principal.