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Our goal is to outperform over a long period of time.  Everything we do is with that in mind.

At times this may make us look foolish in the short run, but we are perfectly willing to accept this if we believe it maximizes the portfolio’s long-term return.  As such, and because there can be a lot of randomness in short-term results, we ask that our performance be judged over a long period of time.

There are three core elements of our investment philosophy:

Long-term mindset
Our focus is always on the long-term merits of an investment candidate rather than short-term trading factors or recent growth rates.  The long-term appeal of a stock is a function of two variables: the fundamentals of the business (such as its competitive advantages) and the prevailing price.  With more and more market participants adopting a shorter-term mentality, we believe our longer time horizon differentiates us even more.  Paradoxically, the ease and speed with which one can access data these days exacerbates this effect - because it makes the short-term game more competitive, in our opinion.

Low turnover
As investors in the truest sense of the word, we tend to trade infrequently.  Our preference is to find strong, durable businesses that are trading at attractive valuations and hold them for a long time. Naturally, this meshes with our long-term mindset.  In times of market dislocation or volatility our trading activity tends to increase as we take advantage of newfound opportunities.

We limit the number of holdings (generally 25-40) and sectors in our portfolios, focusing our investments in areas we find attractive and avoiding those that don’t meet our standards.  Such an approach may sound obvious, but it sets us apart from managers who build portfolios so as not to deviate too much from their benchmark.  Thinking independently and having the conviction to act when opportunities present themselves is critical to achieving outperformance.

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FINRA's BrokerCheck

Note to Financial Advisors: Towpath Focus Fund (TOWFX) is currently available on Charles Schwab's platform. Please contact your custodian/broker-dealer to request that TOWFX and TOWTX be added to your broker-dealer’s platform.  Advisor demand is necessary for Towpath Focus Fund and Towpath Technology Fund to be considered for your platform.

Please contact us with any questions.



There can be no guarantee that any strategy (risk management or otherwise) will be successful.  All investing involves risk, including potential loss of principal. “Prior Fund” does not represent the performance of Towpath Focus Fund.

Equity Risk: Equity security values held by the Fund may fall due to general market and economic conditions, perceptions regarding the industries in which the issuers of the securities participate or other factors relating to the companies.  

Active Management Risk: The Adviser's judgments about the growth, value or potential appreciation of an investment may prove to be incorrect or fail to have the intended results, which could adversely impact the Fund's

performance and cause it to underperform relative to other funds with similar investment goals or relative to its benchmark, or not to achieve its investment goal.

Carefully consider the Funds' investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses before investing. This and other important information about Funds can be found by downloading the Funds' prospectus and summary prospectuses. To obtain a hard copy of the prospectus, please call Shareholder Services at  877-593-8637. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.

Towpath Funds are distributed by Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC (Member FINRA). Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC and Towpath Funds are separate and unaffiliated.

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